================================================================ Title : Overkill for Doom (2) Filename : OVERKILL.WAD Author : Randy Seacat Doom Handle : Screaming in Digital Email Address : ki7zd@halcyon.com Misc. Author Info : 32 Year old retired musician. Game freak! Description : Deathmatch for DOOM 2. Will support 2 players and up. Have had alot of good response to this wad. I have tried to maintain a fair balance of health and weapons. There are a few secrets. No Monsters were added as this is a Deathmatch wad!!!! Additional Credits to : iD Software Sysop of DOOMSDAY NORTHWEST The author of Deu And all those folks who a frag masters at DoomsDay Northwest: Scramble, Dark Mage, Dead wrong Reign Man, Iskador, Hawk, and All the others who helped play test. And to my wife, who had me declared dead months ago! ================================================================ * Play Information * Game Type(Doom or Doom2): Doom 2 Episode and Level # : Level 01 Single Player : If you like scenery Cooperative 2-4 Player : NO Deathmatch 2-4 Player : Yes (Fast Action it seems) Difficulty Settings : NO New Sounds : No New Graphics : No New Music : No Demos Replaced : None * Construction * Base : New level from scratch Editor(s) used : Deu Build time : Four Flushes and 1 roll of paper! Known Bugs : None noticed * Copyright / Permissions * Authors MAY use this level as a base to build additional levels. BUT, Do not slaughter this wad. You may add on rooms and etc. But dont pack the thing full BARRELS and other decorations that serve no purpose! You MAY distribute this WAD, provided you include this file, with no modifications. You may distribute this file in any electronic format (BBS, Diskette, CD, etc) as long as you include this file intact. If you do inlude this on a cd, please contact me at the address above and let me know about it. So I can get one! * Where to get this WAD * DOOMSDAY NORTHWEST 206-474-1053